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Laura Loomer, Known 9/11 Denier, Was at 9/11 Ceremonies as a Guest of Trump

Laura Loomer, a conservative commentator who has previously spread 9/11 conspiracy theories, attended the memorial ceremonies in Pennsylvania and New York yesterday as a guest of former President Donald Trump.
The vocal Trump supporter told the Associated Press that she doesn’t work for Trump’s presidential campaign and that she was “invited as a guest” of the former president to the memorial at the Flight 93 crash site and Ground Zero.
Last year, Loomer shared a video on Twitter/X that said, “9/11 was an Inside Job!” claiming that the attacks were a cover-up for then-Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld, who had announced that $2.3 trillion of government funding had been “lost” the day before.
Newsweek reached out to Loomer via email for comment.
Earlier today, fellow Trump ally, Representative Marjorie Taylor Greene, condemned statements made by Loomer on social media as racist and called for her to remove the comments.
Loomer had made a reference to Vice President Kamala Harris’ Indian heritage, writing on X: “If Kamala Harris wins, the White House will smell like curry & White House speeches will be facilitated via a call center and the American people will only be able to convey their feedback through a customer satisfaction survey at the end of the call that nobody will understand.”
Loomer, who ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 2020, was banned from Twitter before Elon Musk purchased the social media platform.
In response, Greene said: “This is appalling and extremely racist. It does not represent who we are as Republicans or MAGA. This does not represent President Trump. This type of behavior should not be tolerated ever. @LauraLoomer should take this down.”
Trump attended the Pennsylvania memorial, which commemorates the passengers aboard the fourth plane that was hijacked on September 11, 2001. He visited the Ground Zero site in New York City earlier in the day.
While in New York, Trump met Vice President Kamala Harris for the second time and shook her hand after an introduction from the former mayor of New York, Mike Bloomberg. President Joe Biden was also in attendance at the memorial.
Harris and Trump have attended the 9/11 anniversary ceremony in past years, as have many politicians running for or holding office. Harris was in New York last year standing in for Biden, who was traveling overseas, as was Florida Governor Ron DeSantis, who was running for president at the time.
Do you have a story we should be covering? Do you have any questions about Donald Trump or the 9/11 memorial ceremony? Contact [email protected].
